Back to School = Back to the Basics.Ring Care & Tips

Happy back-to-school month! For September, we have decided to educate our lovely clientele on ring care and other helpful information. At Austen Jewellers, we have 30 years of experience, we know jewellery, and we pride ourselves on keeping our staff knowledgeable and educating them frequently on the qualities of the product. We offer a huge selection of beautiful and unique rings, both in-store and online

Let’s talk rings!

Did you Know?

You shouldn’t wear your rings 24/7. Here are some examples of times to remove your precious ring!

  • Doing the dishes - we've all heard horror stories of expensive rings ending up in the garbage disposal!

  • While using lotions or creams - can cause unwanted buildup and dull the appearance of a ring.

  • Working out or playing sports - 150,000 people per year lose their finger to ring avulsion. 

  • Operating machinery - it is wise to remove your wedding ring or replace it with something non-conductive.

  • Gardening - dirt and soil can easily get in small crevices and damage your ring; also, you could easily lose your ring without noticing it.

  • Sleeping - This is one that many people dismiss! There have been instances where sleeping with a wedding ring on has actually caused injuries such as getting caught in your hair or causing scratches on yourself or your partner.

  • Cleaning with chemicals - strong chemicals or cleaning products can damage the appearance of your ring, especially diamonds or precious jewels. 

Of course, sometimes life just happens, and jewellery gets broken. If this happens, remember we are here for you! At Austen Jewellers, we offer on-site repairs.


Storing your rings the proper way when not wearing them is important. For example, diamonds are harder than most precious gems, so if you place them all together and they get knocked around, your diamond ring may damage the gems on other pieces. 

Your rings should be stored at room temperature, sheltered from direct sunlight, and in low humidity to avoid tarnishing silver.

There are several options to guard your rings when you are not wearing them; check out Jewellery Storage for our suggestions.


Cleaning your ring is key to protecting it! If you don’t keep up with cleaning, the stones can change colour or dim and bigger problems like the deterioration of the metal can occur over time. As crazy as it sounds, avoiding cleaning your rings can have health effects, too; if jewellery continues to collect dirt and bacteria, you can experience skin irritations and even issues with allergies. 

Austen Jewellers offers on-site cleaning & inspections for all your jewellery pieces; however, if you are in a pinch, you can create a cleaning mixture by simply adding a few drops of Dawn dish detergent to warm water. Let the ring sit in the solution for a few minutes, then gently scrub it with a soft toothbrush. Rinse in a new container of lukewarm water and set to dry on a clean paper towel, and, voila - looks like new! 

In Stock

Let’s take a look at some of our favourite rings in stock currently!

  • .90Carat Rubellite Tourmaline Fancy Ring - The love ring! Rubellite is said to strengthen the ability to understand love and promote creativity in ways to put love out into the world!

  • 14karat White Gold Peridot Ring - The bright green peridot is believed to bring delight and good cheer.

  • Black and White Diamond Men's Ring -  wearing a ring on the pointer finger symbolizes power, leadership, and authority. Men who wear a ring on this finger are believed to be unapologetic and confident - perfect for the bold gentleman!

  • Natural Colored Diamonds Geometric Ring - Add a touch of edge to your jewellery collection.

  • 10Karat .50Carat Total Diamond Ring -wearing a ring on the middle finger is held to symbolize structure, conscience, balance and order; you are sure to make a statement with this piece!

    Along with our favourite picks, Austen Jewellers offers a wide range of pieces with new selections EVERY DAY! We pride ourselves on providing the best quality diamonds in Okotoks and unique jewellery options that are sure to suit any jewellery lover. Visit our friendly and knowledgeable team in-store, or shop online today.


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